Yippee’s Little Get Together’s (LGTs)

This is the 36th Episode of “Yippee’s LGT’s” for 2021 otherwise known as “Yippee Ki-Ay Blues Little Get Together’s” with blues musicians via online video.

In this interview, I was very fortunate to be referred to this outstanding musician by a fellow musician. After receiving his material consisting of two fabulous blues albums, I came away very impressed. Since then, I personally reached out and managed to get Andy Lindquist on the WIRE with me. You will learn about Andy’s story regarding his Father experience at Pearl Harbor and many more fascinating stories as well.

I want to say thank you again, Andy Lindquist, for taking time out from your precious schedule to participate in this interview. I had a great time with you and looking forward to seeing you again in the near future.

3D Meta-verse Design and Engineering Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

3D Graphics Design Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

Filming and Recording Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

Music Credits: Andy Lindquist