Yippee’s Little Get Together’s (LGT’s)

This is the 10th Episode of “Yippee’s LGT’s” for 2021 otherwise known as “Yippee Ki-Ay Blues Little Get Together’s” with blues musicians via online video.

In this interview, I teleported over the pond to seek out one of the best women in the blues, who sings the blues like they did back in the 1940’s. Yes, you heard me right ! I managed to get a very dynamic and inspiring female musician by the name of, Kaz Hawkins. I must admit, my stomach had the case of butterflies prior to this interview. I knew I had one of the best women in the blues coming on this show and I had to bring my “A” grade. In fact, prior to the interview she kindly offered a suggestion and I am very thankful of that. This is one woman who wears many hats and you will find out as well. Above all, her vocals are simply amazing. Check out the custom video after the interview.

I want to say thank you again, Kaz Hawkins, for taking time out from your precious schedule to participate in this video. It was a tremendous opportunity to sit down and have a chat with you.

3D Meta-verse Design and Engineering Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

3D Graphics Design Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

Filming and Recording Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.