Yippee’s Creations – 18 March 2022

This is the 8th episode called “Yippee’s Creations”. The objective is to include other genres with tracks that best fit our theme with the blues in terms of having fun, great rhythm and beat as well as danceable. For this particular segment we have chosen a great track ” Maybe It’s Time”, produced by Joey Quinones and Baby Bash that brings back the glory tunes and feel of the 1970’s. We truly hope you like this new segment and we will try to make it very interesting and enjoyable for you to view. Mantén viva la música, Joey y Baby Bash !

Musical Visualizers Design and Production Credits: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

Graphics Design Credits: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

Music Credits: Joey Quinones, Baby Bash

© 2022 SwiftEyes Innovation Inc., All rights reserved

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