Yippee Ki-Ay Blues Museum – Update 24 Feb 18

The engineering development continues with the Yippee Ki-Ay Blues Museum, as you can see we are taking our time adding murals to the exterior walls of the building. As progress continues, we will be providing more detailed snapshots and perhaps a video or two. Our goal is to make this a one of a kind 3D Interactive Blues Museum for everyone to enjoy. In this photo snapshot are the following artists that have been actively engaged with us since day one, Big Daddy Wilson, Dudley Taft and Amanda Fish Band. We are in the process of adding more artists/bands on the exterior walls.

Note: What you see here may not eventually be the final product as previously noted this is an exploratory prototype that most likely will evolve into something more enlightening from the end-user perspective.“Given patience, creativity will flourish beyond your wildest imagination.”

Design and Engineering: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc. and DeepSemaphore LLC.
Graphics Design: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.