Yippee Ki-Ay Blues Museum – Update 12 April 2018

It’s been a month since we last provided an update on the development of Yippee Ki-Ay Blues 3-D Museum. We continue to make significant progress with the Meta-Verse Engineering, most particularly the mural design on the exterior facings of the entire building. This process is very tedious and we are making sure the murals can be seen under any condition (dawn, morning, afternoon, dusk and midnight). In addition, we are carefully selecting the murals to be depicted on the exterior facings of the building. Now, that phase 1 of the Meta-Verse Engineering has been completed, we are now beginning phase 2, the interior showcase which includes many display panels. At this moment, we have completed 10% of this phase, as all of the display panels have been arranged on the two interior showroom floors. As we continue to make progress, we will provide some photos as well. For now, here is another photo of the building exterior.