Fly On The Wall – 3D Yippee Ki-Ay Blues Museum

A considerable amount of design, engineering and testing has been conducted during the development of the first floor museum displays. In the video below, you can witness the amount of engineering effort that has been exhausted so far and where we are pushing the envelope in terms of state-of-the-art technology with 3D Virtual World Meta-verse engineering. By far, this is not the final product as the research and development phase continues to test new functionality and determine it’s feasibility within the 3D Virtual World Ecosystem. Ultimately, the Blues will come alive in this Museum in ways no one has ever thought of, just stay tuned in.

Music Credits: Artur Menezes, Track – Keep Pushing, Album – Keep Pushing
Graphics Credits on Interior Walls of Museum and floor – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.
3D Interior Design and Layout Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.
Computer Graphics Animation Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.
Video Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.