A few weeks ago, I had announced a new show coming onboard called “Blu-Esque”. The original poster board had a feel of Blues and Burlesque. Probably, many of you had assumed this as well. Though, keeping align with Yippee Ki-Ay Blues theme, bridging the past with the future, the above poster board says it all. Can you envision the choreography of Burlesque with a Blues theme in space?
As the human mankind continues the race to Space, there will be many opportunities. In this special case, a Blues pod for musical entertainment where the past is bridged with the future. The earth in the background is a consistent reminder to those living in the pod, of where they had come from. The blues will play an important and supporting role as well. The burning UFO is another harsh reminder, there are risks involved when pushing the envelope. Even a tiny 1″ screw orbiting in space at 16,000 miles per hour can wipe out the best spacecraft. Hence, Blues Is Life Itself.
Thus, this show focuses on the most powerful deep blues tracks from the past and current musicians in the genre. Hopefully, this will inspire the current musicians in the genre to produce songs about the future and Space.