Big Data Analytics – Correlation between Blues Music and Artists

I decided to take a closer look at the Blues Genre and the musicians who are categorized under the Genre. In this analysis, I am covering from 2004 through 2014 a full decade and the results were quite interesting to say the least. There were more search queries for the Blues Genre than the artists from 2004 right up until mid-2010. The only anomalies 8 (red=artists) spikes when the artists had more queries than the genre itself. Though, if you take a closer look at the graph from 2004 through mid-2010, those spikes had a small delta collectively against the blue line (genre). Now, from mid-2010 through 2014 there are 2 enormous spikes (red=artists). The delta’s are more noticeable throughout the period as well which is rather interesting indeed. In the future, I will take a closer look and examine what truly cause those two huge spikes (red-artists). Though, I will leave you something to chew about. Is this a trend of something going on in the genre?


Blues Music & Artists 2014-08-07_16-08-45