Fly On The Wall – Sizzlin’ Slide Show

The research and development phase continues as the model for the upcoming Sizzlin’ Slide Show is currently under design. In the above photo, this gives you a slight indication of the engineering that has been conducted. Back in the days of my youth, I could remember going to Earth Wind & Fire concert. This group was amazing, their music was even better, though they stood out among their peers because of their live (concerts) shows. In my humbled opinion, Earth Wind & Fire were light-years ahead with technology. My goal is to bring that ambience to the blues through this medium, we are getting very close to it.

3D Virtual World Design and Engineering Credits: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.
Film Production Credits: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.
Video Credits: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.
Graphic Credits: SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.
Music Credits: Band – Earth Wind & Fire, Track – Intro