Yippee’s Little Get Togethers (LGT’s)

This is the 15th Episode of “Yippee’s LGT’s” otherwise known as “Yippee Ki-Ay Blues Little Get Together’s” with blues musicians via online video. By popular demand, this is a weekly feature on Yippee Ki-Ay Blues on Saturday’s.

In this interview, I had a great opportunity to get on the WIRE with Gulf Coast Records Recording Artist, Jimmy Carpenter. To be honest, I was very grateful to chat with a musician who has a tremendous amount of skin in the game. Jimmy is involved with the Blues Genre on so many different levels and it’s actually very impressive. Once again, huge kudo’s to Doug Deutsch, I had a great time chatting with Jimmy and look forward to having Jimmy perform on Yippee Ki-Ay Blues. Get Ready Jimmy, we are so close !

I want to say thank you again, Jimmy Carpenter, for taking time out from your precious schedule to participate in this video. I had a great time with the interview and learning more about you, Jim. Bravo Zulu Doug Deutsch ! My deepest thanks to you, Doug !

3D Meta-verse Design and Engineering Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

3D Graphics Design Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.

Filming and Recording Credits – SwiftEyes Innovation Inc.